NEX Data Management Systems
Nex Data Management SYstems
“Highlighting energy consumption and system performance”
Insight Control Services believe that energy efficiency is not just about being green, it’s about gaining a better understanding of exactly how your building services are performing and highlighting where effort and ultimately dollars should be spent fine-tuning.
The NEX Data Management System is a operational tool that will allow you to make informed decisions based on actual real time and historical data.
You can’t manage what you can’t measure. This is exactly why the first steps to understanding energy usage is to monitor, collect data and then display it in a way that is meaningful and easy to understand.
The NEX Data Monitoring System is a operational tool that will allow you to make informed decisions based on actual real time and historical data. Providing you with information tools alone will help solve the problem, however It’s also about motivating people to change their energy usage behaviour, NEX will invite interaction on a daily basis with the easy to use multi platform Web Based software.
NEX can highlight energy consumption and system performance of the following building equipment and operational aspects:
Mechanical services.
Manufacturing plant.
Demand response & load shedding.
After hours run times.
Equipment failures.
To find out more about our NEX Data Monitoring System products, please make contact today before you risk wasting more energy.